David’s Pflanzen 1x1

When it comes to caring for a plant, there are plenty of blogs and encyclopaedias that show you how to look after your plant - but let's be honest, what exactly is meant by moderate watering? Or indirect bright light? Permeable substrate or banana peels as fertiliser? Huh?

I believe that it is quite difficult to give generalised information on how to care for a plant. Of course, I don't want to call all care blogs or plant encyclopaedias into question, because all of this information is correct. But can these care instructions always be word for word accurate? My answer to this would be a diplomatic "yes"and with this blog series I would like to show you exactly why!

As is so often the case, the care requirements of a houseplant depend on many factors. Light, humidity, choice of substrate, fertiliser interval and draught are just a few of the influences that affect your plants! For the successful keeping of houseplants - regardless of whether it concerns exotics, rarities or your grandmother's ivy - a good general knowledge of plants usually proves to be much more promising than a precise knowledge of the care brochure that comes with them. Put simply, if you understand how a plant lives, grows and what it feeds on, you can keep almost any plant without it dying on you. This may sound a little simplistic at first and it would seem so much more professional if I can now add a sentence with the "but", but I find it hard to find reasons for this.

With the Plant 1x1 blog series, I would like to show you what is important when it comes to houseplants and try to give you the simplest possible principles and tips to ensure that everything stays green!

In other words; this blog will show you how not to kill your plants, no matter what colour your thumb is!


- David von planting with david
